Monday, August 9, 2010

For Goodness

I'm just feeling really blessed for all the goodness in my life. 
I'm so thankful for the love of my family.  
The beauty of travel.
The love and wisdom from an older generation.

Gigantic high-fives. 
The gift of wishing.
Brothers who are friends, and friends who are brothers.The awesome and sometimes bizarre world of technology to connect us.   
An heart full of pure love.  (even if its for a baby chicken)
The sensibility to laugh at oneself.

The ability to hope for the future.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Inroducting the Latte with Linky line

With a little inspiration, a generous gift of scraps from The Sewing Blonde and photography by Life with Little Ones Photography and wonderfulness of The Magical Child....

I've crafted a line of coffee cozy's.

A huge thank you to my amazing family for the support.  A thousand hugs to my darling encouragement Corey, without who I would not have made as big a leap into this venture. 

My coffee cozy is featured on the front page of The Magical Child's site, as well as their blog.  If you live in North County San Diego you can find them there, or order from my Etsy site here:  LattewithLinky.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

For your entertainment...

In June we attended Jeff's 11 year High School class reunion. We had our picture taken.
In my refusal to pose prom style...

we got this....

Daily Grind

Did you know my husband is quite a dapper lad.  Which leaves me joyfully washing, drying, hanging, starching, ironing, hanging, wash, rinse, get the idea...
But when its done, and hanging neatly in the closet and looks like this:

My personal OCDness can't help but burst into song and dance!

Did you notice?  Blue is a good color on him. :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In the stillness of summer...

A bucket full of sidewalk chalk.
A full imagination.
A warm summer day.
And a boy who wrote his name by himself for the first time ever.

Its coming...

I finally managed to clear off enough space on my computer to download pictures from my camera dating back from December.  Yeah, only 9 months worth of pictures and memories to edit, organize and load into this little corner of the web.  

This picture in particular put a smile on my face.  Its going to serve as my determination.  My son who at the time had just turned 6, climbed this "grease pole" at his schools semi annual festival.  
He didn't quite make it to the top, but for a little guy (the smallest in his class by a mile) with big ambitions, he had everyone cheering for him and a huge hug from his momma when he slid more than half way down all greasy and happy.