Friday, April 23, 2010

Enchanted Lanterns

An blustery evening back in December two boys took their little lanterns out for a stroll in the park.

A little hike through the ferns

And a flameless tea light flickered to life a fanged spider

A starry sky

A cruise ship on the high seas

And added a bit of mystery to a leaf covered field.

If you want to make these little lanters you'll need:

an empty baby food jar
colorful paper
an exact o knife
a vivid imagination
some jewelry wire
mixture of beads
flame-less tea lights

I sized up the paper to the jar and cut out a strip long enough to cover the baby food jar. Then used the exact-o knife to cut out whatever the boys wanted. Ethan prefered a spider (with fangs), a cruise ship, and a camp fire with marshmallows and a bee (with stinger...see a trend here?) Jacob asked for a sky with wind and stars. Once I had those cut and used a bit of mod-podge glue I glued the paper to the jar . The I wrapped the jewelry write around the neck of the baby food jar a few times for good measure and created a handle. I let the boys string their own beads and once they were done I secured it to the neck of the jar. Popped in a flame-less tea light and set forth for enchantment!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sensational Vintage Magnet Board

I saw this idea on another blog and changed it a bit to my own liking.

I started with a metal grease drip pan from Wal-Mart. The sucker was huge but it made it large enough for both my kids to stand and create at it at the same time.

A few vintage books I found at a local antique mall for a buck each!

*Book lovers beware* I (so nicely and gently) ripped out the pages

This blew me away- copyrighted 1887!

Beautiful handwriting pages

I then lined the drip pan with the torn pages and mod-podged the heck outta them!

Then I neglected to take pictures of the next step- but I found some scrabble like squares at Michael's along with some round magnets and I hot glued them to each other

I found these two pressed leaves in the book and had to include it on my board.

Viola- Alphabet Magnet board!

Hung with a ribbon at boy sized height!

Sensational Vintage

Oasis of the Seas

November 2009 :: Thanksgiving on Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas.

We spent 3 awesome days on the ship as part of the inaugural event for the biggest ship in the world. She was breathtakingly big, beautiful and a complete adventure for every age. Bliss.

All Aboad the Biggest Ship at Sea