Last May we hatched some eggs. From an incubator.
It was pure childhood wonder and glory.
A few hours old, and one proud papa holding his baby! :)
A few days old. They grow like rabbits multiply.
On a visit to their "other home" Uncle Mike's house. I believe this was taken not long before we left for NY for 2 weeks.
I love the tenderness my boys showed to these 3 chicks!
And when we returned from NY, they we just a tad tinier than this! And, we had confirmation that indeed, the chickens were
Because if that's not a rooster, I don't know what is.
We had to give them back to the farm the eggs came from.
Oh and one was eaten by a falcon along the way.
But watching the transformation was beautiful, as are all transformations in life. And death.
Lessons learned all around. At all age levels. Even for me.
Chickens are cute at birth.
Then they start pooping.
Poop is never a good sign.
Then they grow, and start to crow.
And you come to the realization that your little snake is a really great pet.
And a chicken is not.
But maybe we'll hatch them again this spring anyways.
love this story. how cute!