I do realize this is majorly out of season/ order/ organizational deficiency syndrome, but I've throw in the towel in attempts to make everything chronological. It just ain't gunna happen.
Ahem...without further ado, I give you, my St. Patrick's Day Post.
Local Leprechauns!
For the past two years the boys and I spend a few days making goody bags full of golden/ green treats and cleaver little notes and mysteriously leave them at friends door steps around St. Patrick's Day. The idea is to show our good friends just how "Lucky" we are to have them in out lives. A heartfelt thanks for being friends who we can count on, trust, giggle with and live life with. The previous year was a huge success, even when we were caught by our unsuspecting recipients. This year....well nearly every house we stopped at we were caught, and brought a few tears to the eyes of a certain 3 year old. Seriously, isn't life just ironic. Who know, being caught by smiling faces was going to cause such heartache?!
Annnnd....our actually St. Patrick's Day morning mystery. I am however perplexed as to how my 6 year old knows the tooth fairy is his mother, yet completely clueless as to how the milk in the fridge turned green, or better yet; the green paper cut out feet taped to the wall are truly footprints left by the sneaky little green men who jiffied their way into our house in the middle of the night?! Baffled!
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